Regional Water Management Group
This meeting will be held via Zoom. Zoom meeting information will be provided two weeks prior to the session. Please stay tuned for more information to come.
This meeting will be held via Zoom. Zoom meeting information will be provided two weeks prior to the session. Please stay tuned for more information to come.
This meeting is open to the public and will be held on Zoom. Please review the agenda for more details. MaderaRWMG_Agenda_June2022 MaderaRWMG_Minutes_May2022 Join ZOOM Meeting: Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device. Please click this URL to join: Description: RWMG Meeting June 27, 2022 1:30 PM Or join by phone: […]
Please take notice that this meeting will be held in person. Members of the public may also join telephonically. Please review the details and agenda below for more information. AGENDA 7-1-22 MINUTES 5-13-22
Please take notice that the special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Triangle T Water District will be held on Friday, July 1, 2022 at 10:00 AM. VIA Teleconference due to COVID-19 restrictions; Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 872 5444 9162 Passcode: 701742 One tap mobile +16699006833,,87254449162#,,,,*701742# Dial by your […]
Members of the public are welcome to join this meeting. For those who would like to attend, please join in person or telephonically. Please review the details below for more information. GSA AGENDA 7-5-22 GSA MINUTES 2-4-22
Please be advised that this meeting has been cancelled and rescheduled to July 20, 2022. For more information, please review the attached notice. 07 06 2022 CLWD Cancellation-Reschedule
This meeting is open to the public and will be held through Zoom. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Conservation June July and August 2022
Please take notice that this meeting will be held in person. Members of the public may also join telephonically. Please review the details and agenda below for more information. 07.07.22 Meeting Packet
Please be advised that this meeting has been cancelled. Please review the agenda and cancellation notice for more details. RCWD Agenda 07.11.22 RCWDGSA 07.11.22 Cancellation
This meeting is open to the public. It will be held in person. For more information, please review the agenda and details below. RCWD07.11.2022 Packet P
This meeting will be held in person. Members of the public are welcome! Please review the details and agenda below for more details. Notice of Board Meeting Agenda Proposed 7-12-22 2022-06-14 Board Minutes 2022-06-28 Board Minutes
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person and on Webex. The agenda and the recording to this meeting will be available on the Madera County Board Agendas. You may also click here. Please review the details below for more information.
The meeting will be made available both in person and via teleconference. Please review the agenda and meeting notice below for more details. 2022-0712 AWDGSA_Special Meeting Notice 2022-0712 AWDGSA_Special Meeting Agenda To remotely join this meeting, please use one of the following options: Video Conference: Go to the Aliso web page at go to […]
This workshop is open to the public and will be held in person. The workshop will teach attendees how landowners can conserve water by recharging in their fields and creating basins to replenish depleted aquifers. Attendees will learn more about this excellent tool that will build resilience into our water supply system. Registration is required […]
This webinar is open to the public and will be held on Zoom. Learn how the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) funding can help communities improve their water and wastewater infrastructure. Registration:
The Madera/Chowchilla RCD’s July Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 13th, at 5:00 pm on Zoom. Below you will find the Zoom information: Join ZOOM Meeting: Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device. Please click this URL to join: Or join by phone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a […]
This meeting will be held via teleconference and it is open to the public. Please review the agendas for more information. TTWDGSA Agenda 7.14.22 TTWD Agenda 7.14.22 TTWDGSA minutes 6-2022 TTWD minutes 6.2022 TTWD SPECIAL Minutes 7.2022ch
This meeting will be held on Zoom. Members of the public are welcome. Please review the agenda for more details. Drought Workgroup. Agenda. 07.15.22.
Please be advised that the meeting scheduled for July 18 has been cancelled due to lack of a quorum. It will be rescheduled once a new date is selected. Meeting Cancelled Jul 2022
Please be advised that the MID-GSA regular board meeting scheduled for Tuesday, July 19, 2022 has been cancelled. 7/19/2022 Notice of Cancellation
Members of the public who wish to join this meeting may do so by attending in person or telephonically. For more information, please review the agenda and details below. Meeting Notice Jul 2022 Agenda Jul 2022 Minutes June 2022 Draft 2022 Biennial Notice
This training will be held in person. Members of the public are welcome! Registration is required. You may register by clicking here.
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person and on Webex. The agenda and the recording to this meeting will be available on the Madera County Board Agendas. Please click here and search for the meeting date. Please review the details below for more information.
This meeting is open to the public and will be held on Zoom. To RSVP for this meeting and to receive the Zoom link, please email Keri Yee by July 19th at For more information, please review the agenda below. ILRP Agenda 7.20.22
Members of the public who wish to attend this meeting, may do so by attending in person or by calling in. Please review the agenda for more details. CLWD- July 20- special meeting final agenda
This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. Please see the attachments below for more information. MaderaRWMG Agenda July2022 MaderaRWMG Minutes June2022
This meeting will be held in person. A telephonic option is also available. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. July 2022 Agenda Meeting Rescheduled Notice July 2022 2022 Biennial Notice June 2022 Draft Minutes
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person and on Webex. The agenda and the recording to this meeting will be available on the Madera County Board Agendas. You may also click here. Please review the details below for more information.
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person. For those that are unable to attend in person, please review the agenda for more options and details. 7/26/2022 Revised Agenda 7/26/2022 Agenda Aliso Water District Regular Meeting 7/26/2022 Notice Meeting
Members of the public are encouraged to attend this meeting. If interested, please join by clicking on the zoom link below. Zoom Information/ Información de inicio de sesión de Zoom: Meeting ID/Identificación de la reunión: 868 5709 9891 Passcode/Código de accesso: 295897 Call in Numbers/Números de llamada +1 669 900 9128 US […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. To join this meeting, please see the detail below. Zoom Information/ Información de inicio de sesión de Zoom: Meeting ID/Identificación de la reunión: 868 5709 9891 Passcode/Código de accesso: 295897 Call in Numbers/Números de llamada +1 669 900 9128 US (San […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person and on Webex. The agenda and the recording to this meeting will be available on the Madera County Board Agendas. You may also click here. Please review the details below for more information.
Please be advised that this meeting has been cancelled. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 11:00 am. More information is to come. CLWD Aug cancellation notice
Please be advised that this meeting has been cancelled and rescheduled to August 11, 2022. Conservation June July and August 2022
This meeting will be held in person and is open to the public. The option to join telephonically is also available for those that are unable to attend in person. Please review the details below for more information. AGENDA 8-5-22 MINUTES 6-3-22
Please be advised that this meeting has been cancelled. RCWDGSA 08.08.2022 Cancellation RCWD Board Packet 08.08.2022 RCWD 2022 Ag Notice 6.6 RCWD 2022 Muni Notice 6.6
This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. Please see the Zoom details below. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 872 9247 9865 Passcode: 742326 One tap mobile +16699006833,,87292479865#,,,,*742326# US (San Jose) +16694449171,,87292479865#,,,,*742326# US Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 669 444 9171 […]
This meeting will be held in person and is open to the public. Please review all information below for more details. Notice of Board Meeting Agenda Proposed 8-9-2022 2022-06-14 Board Minutes 2022-06-28 Board Minutes 2022-07-12 Board Minutes
Members of the public who wish to participate may do so by attending this meeting in person or through Zoom. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. Meeting ID: 838 1886 0766 Passcode: 304189 +1 669 444 9171 US +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. Please review all details below for more information. August 2022 MCRCD Board Agenda July 2022 MCRCD Minutes Join ZOOM Meeting: Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device. Please click this URL to join: Description: MCRCD August Board Meeting […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held through Zoom. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Conservation August 2022
This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. Please review the agenda for all details. 8/16/2022 MID-GSA Special Board Meeting Packet
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person and on Webex. The agenda and the recording to this meeting will be available on the Madera County Board Agendas. You may also click here. Please review the details below for more information.
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person and on Zoom. Please review the details below for more information. Zoom Information/ Información de inicio de sesión de Zoom: Meeting ID/Identificación de la reunión: 846 9268 8413 Passcode/Código de accesso: 910710 Call in Numbers/Números de llamada +1 669 900 […]
This meeting will be held on Zoom. Members of the public are welcome. Please review the agenda for more details. MC Drought Workgroup Agenda 08.19.22
This meeting is open to the public. Please review the details below for more information. 2022 Aug Meeting Notice Agenda Aug 2022 Agenda Item 4C Agenda Item 9 Minutes July 2022 Draft Agenda Item 10 Map:
This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. Please review the details below for more information. Madera RWMG Agenda August 2022 Madera RWMG Minutes July 2022
This meeting is open to the public. All members of the public are asked to attend the meeting by conference call. Please review the agenda for more details. September 2 2022 EC Board Meeting Agenda MINUTES 7-1-22
Please be advised that this meeting has been cancelled. Please review the notice down below for more information. CLWD Sept cancellation notice
Below find the meeting notice and agenda for the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Triangle T District. Due to COVID- 19 restrictions, this will be a Zoom meeting. Please open the link below for more information. TTWDGSA Board Packet 9.8.22
Below is the meeting notice and agenda for the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Triangle T Water District. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this will be a Zoom meeting. Please see the link below for more information. TTWD Board Packet 9.8.22
Below find the link for the notice of cancellation along with the agenda of the schedule meeting of the RCWD Groundwater Sustainability Agency scheduled for Monday, September 12, 2022 at 11 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 10, 2022 at 11 a.m. Attachments: RCWDGSA 09.12.2022 Cancellation RCWD 9.12.2022Packet
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 8:30 a.m. in the office of the San Luis Canal Company, 11704 W. Henry Miller Avenue, Merced County California. For more information, please see the links below: Notice of Board Meeting Agenda Proposed 9-13-22 2022-08-9 Board Minutes
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person and on Webex. The agenda and the recording to this meeting will be available on the Madera County Board Agendas. Please click here and search for the meeting date. Madera County Water & Natural Resources Department will discuss the following: Madera County GSA Update […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. Please review the agenda for more information. 091422 N-C Meeting Notice and Agenda Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 878 4818 5262 Passcode: 472993
Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors Wednesday, September 14th, 2022 1:30 pm District Office 327 South Chowchilla Boulevard Chowchilla, CA 93610 If you are unable to attend in person, please use the following number to join: Total - Free Access Number: 877-594-8353 Participant Pass Code: 66771076 Attachments: Agenda-2022-09-14 Board-Meeting-20220914
This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. For more information, please review the agenda below. September 2022 MCRCD Board Agenda August 2022 MCRCD Minutes Join ZOOM Meeting: Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device. Please click this URL to join: Description: MCRCD September Board Meeting […]
This meeting will be held on Zoom. Members of the public are welcome. Please review the agenda for more details. Drought Workgroup. 09.16.22. Agenda 9-16-22 Madera County Drought Workgroup Meeting Presentation
This meeting is open to the public and will be held on Zoom. Please review the agenda for more details. 22 09 20 MID-GSA Board Meeting Packet
This meeting is open to the public and will be held on Zoom. This meeting will give input into rules for the Land Repurposing Program in the County GSA. Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: Please click this URL to join. Passcode: 305671 Or One tap mobile: +16694449171,,85001645968#,,,,*305671# US […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. Please review the agenda below for more information. MaderaRWMG_Agenda_September2022 MaderaRWMG_Minutes_August2022
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person and live on Webex. The agenda and live streaming to this meeting will be available on the Madera County Board Agendas. Please click here and search for the meeting date. Madera County Water & Natural Resources Department will discuss the penalty resolutions for […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person. Please review the materials below for more information. Chowchilla Subbasin GSP Advisory Committee Agenda 1183.05_DE_Task_Order_01_CWD_2022_GSP_Annual_Report_9/19/2022 7/6/2022 Minutes
This meeting is open to the public and will meet on Zoom. Zoom Information/ Información de inicio de sesión de Zoom: Meeting ID/Identificación de la reunión: 868 5709 9891 Passcode/Código de accesso: 295897 Call in Numbers/Números de llamada +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
This meeting is open to the public. Although this meeting will be held in person, all members of the public are asked to attend the meeting by conference call. Please review the agenda below for all details. EC GSA AGENDA - 10-7-22 GSA MINUTES 3-4-22 EC AGENDA - 10-7-22 MINUTES 8-5-22
This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. Please review the details below for more information. 10/10/22 CC Meeting Agenda CC Meeting packet 101022 Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 864 0975 9747 Passcode: 137720 One tap mobile +16699006833,,86409759747#,,,,*137720# US (San Jose) +16694449171,,86409759747#,,,,*137720# US Dial by your location +1 […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person. For more information, please review all details below. 1. RCWD Agenda 10.10.22 1. RCWDGSA Agenda 10.10.22 RCWDPacket 10.10.22 RCWDGSAPacket10.10.22
This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. Please review all details below for more information. October 2022 MCRCD Board Agenda September 2022 MCRCD Minutes Join ZOOM Meeting: Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device. Please click this URL to join: Description: MCRCD October Board Meeting Or […]
Members of the public are asked to attend the meeting by conference call. Please review the agenda for more information. AGENDA 10-13-22 SPECIAL MTG
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person and telephonically. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. Meeting Notice Oct 2022 Agenda Oct 2022 Minutes Sep 2022 Draft
Madera County Water & Natural Resources Department will be presenting a GSA Update at the BOS meeting. This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person and on Webex. The agenda and the recording to this meeting will be available on the Madera County Board Agendas. Please click here and search for the […]
Please click the link below to access the MID-GSA Board Packet for the meeting scheduled for October 18, 2022. 22 10 18 MID-GSA Board Packet.pdf In accordance with the declared State of Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic and MID Resolution No. 2022-16 there will not be a physical location available for the public to […]
The California Financing Coordinating Committee (CFCC) is holding free virtual funding fairs on to educate the public and potential customers about available funding. The funding fairs also include an opportunity to discuss your projects with financial representatives from each agency. CFCC members facilitate and expedite the completion of various types of infrastructure projects by helping […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in multiple location. Please review the details below for more information. 10/20/2022 N-C Meeting Notice and Agenda 10/20/2022 Special Meeting Packet Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 841 0299 5800 Passcode: 567491 One tap mobile +16694449171,,84102995800#,,,,*567491# US +16699006833,,84102995800#,,,,*567491# US (San Jose) Dial […]
DWR has announced the SGMA Implementation Round 2 grant solicitation (Prop 28 Round 2). This funding opportunity is open to applicants located within medium and high priority basins, including critically overdrafted groundwater basins. The 2021 SGMA Implementation Guidelines (2021 Guidelines) and Proposal Solicitation Package (PSP) posted in December 2021 can be located on the SGM […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. Please review the details below for more information. 10/21/22 CC Special Meeting Materials 10/21/22 CC Special Meeting Notice and Agenda Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 892 9941 8687 Passcode: 913919 One tap mobile +16699006833,,89299418687#,,,,*913919# US (San Jose) +16694449171,,89299418687#,,,,*913919# US […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. 10.21.22. Drought Workgroup Agenda Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 892 3342 9167 Passcode: 632203 One tap mobile +16699009128,,89233429167#,,,,*632203# US (San Jose) +16694449171,,89233429167#,,,,*632203# US We are going to continue with our conversations in drafting the drought plan required by Senate Bill 552. […]
Please click the link below to access the MID Board Packet for the special meeting scheduled for October 21, 2022. 22 10 21 Special Board Meeting Board Packet.pdf In accordance with the declared State of Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic and MID Resolution No. 2022-16 there will not be a physical location available for […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person. Please review the details below for more information. 10/24/22 Central GSA Meeting Notice and Agenda 10/24/22 CGSA Meeting Materials
This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. Please review the attachments and details below for more information. MaderaRWMG_Agenda_October2022 MaderaRWMG_Minutes_September2022 MaderaRWMG_FinancialStatement_October2022 MaderaRWMG_MeetingCalendar_2023_Draft MaderaRWMG_MeetingResolution_09.26.22 MaderaRWMG_MemberPacket_October2022
This meeting is open to the public. All members of the public are asked to attend the meeting by conference call. Please review the details below for more information. Exchange Contractors' October 25, 2022 Special Board Meeting Agenda
This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. Zoom Information/ Información de inicio de sesión de Zoom: Meeting ID/Identificación de la reunión: 868 5709 9891 Passcode/Código de accesso: 295897 Call in Numbers/Números de llamada +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
The Madera County GSA (MCGSA) will be holding a second workshop to discuss the Land Repurposing Program. This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. Please review the details below for more information. Webinar ID: 838 7910 3415 Passcode: 269422
The California Financing Coordinating Committee (CFCC) is holding free virtual funding fairs on educate the public and potential customers about available funding. The funding fairs also include an opportunity to discuss your projects with financial representatives from each agency. CFCC members facilitate and expedite the completion of various types of infrastructure projects by helping customers […]
This meeting is open to the public. All members of the public are asked to attend the meeting by conference call. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. GSA AGENDA 11-4-22 MINUTES 9-2-22 GSA MINUTES 7-5-22
This workshop will explain the Recharge program and take input from attendees about the proposed program and rules that are being written. Attend the workshop and be heard. You are invited to a Zoom webinar. Please click the link below to join the webinar: Passcode: 298340 Or Call: 669-444-9171 Webinar ID: 882 2319 3344 Passcode: 298340
This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. Please review the details below for more information. November 2022 MCRCD Board Agenda October 2022 MCRCD Minutes October 2022 MCRCD Special Board Meeting Minutes Join ZOOM Meeting: Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device. Please click this URL to […]
This meeting will be held in person. Member of the public are encouraged to attend. The Root Creek Water District Board of Directors will consider the adoption of rates, fees and assessments for agricultural and municipal customers effective January 1, 2023. Comprehensive Rate Studies may be found here: Please email if you need […]
This meeting will be held in person and is open to the public. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. RCWD GSA Agenda 11.14.22 Final 1. RCWD Agenda 11.14.22 Final
Please be advised that this meeting has been cancelled. 11/15/2022 Notice of Cancellation
This meeting will be held virtually and is open to the public. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. 11.18.22. MC Drought Workgroup. Agenda
Please be advised that this meeting has been cancelled and rescheduled to 11/28/2022. More information will be provided. Meeting Cancelled Nov 2022
This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually. Please see the details below for more information. MaderaRWMG_Agenda_November2022 MaderaRWMG_Minutes_October2022 MaderaRWMG_MemberPacket_November2022 MaderaRWMG_MeetingResolution_11.28.22 MaderaRWMG_FinancialStatement_November2022 MaderaRWMG_Budget_2023_Draft MaderaRWMG_MeetingCalendar_2023_Draft
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person and telephonically. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. Meeting Notice Nov 28 2022 Agenda Nov 2022 Minutes Oct 2022 Draft
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person and live on Webex. The agenda and live streaming to this meeting will be available on the Madera County Board Agendas. To view the items for the Water and Natural Resources Department, please click here and search for the meeting date. Please review […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person and telephonically. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. AGENDA 12-9-22 MINUTES 10-7-22
Please be advised that this meeting has been cancelled and rescheduled to Monday, January, 9, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. More details will be provided at a later time. RCWD Agenda 12.12.22 RCWDGSA Cancellation 1212.2022
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person and through Zoom. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. Joint CC and TWG Meeting Notice and Agenda 12/12/2022 CC Meeting Packet 12/12/2022
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person and live on Webex. The agenda and live streaming to this meeting will be available on the Madera County Board Agendas. Please click here and search for the meeting date. Madera County Water & Natural Resources Department will discuss the Land Repurposing Program. Please […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held virtually and in person. Please review the details below for more information. 120822 N-C 121422-NoticeAgenda-final 121422 N-C Meeting Materials (002)