Special Delta-Mendota Subbasin Coordination Committee Policy Meeting
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in-person. More details will be provided closer to the meeting date.
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in-person. More details will be provided closer to the meeting date.
This workshop is open to the public and will be held in person at the PAGG Office, 2125 N Barton Ave, Fresno, CA 93703 . Please refer to the flyer for more information. PAGG-MCRCD Healthy Soils Workshop Flyer
This meeting is open to the public. It will be held in person at the Board Chambers and streaming live on the Madera County Board website at https://maderacounty.primegov.com/public/portal?fromiframe=true Please review the agenda for more information on the items that will be presented by the Water and Natural Resources department. BOS Agenda 5/2/2023
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in-person. Please review the details below for more information. Water Transfer Committee Meeting Agenda - 5-4-23 WATER TRANSFER COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 5-12-22 (APPROVED)
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. SJREC GSA AGENDA 5-5-23 GSA APPROVED MINUTES 11-4-22
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. May 5 2023 SJR Exchange Contractors Agenda SJRECWA APPROVED MINUTES 3-3-23
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. 050823 CC-TWG Meeting Agenda-final 050823 Meeting Materials
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. Madera Water District GS Agenda 5.10.23 Madera Water District Agenda 5.10.23
The Aliso Water District & Aliso Water District Groundwater Sustainability Agency will be holding a Special and GSA meeting on Friday May 12th at 1:00pm. The Meeting will be in person at 13991 Avenue 7, Madera County, CA. The meeting notice and agenda are attached for your convenience and may also be obtained by visiting […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person and online. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. 05/15/23 Special Meeting Notice and Agenda 05/15/23 Meeting Materials
This meeting is open to the public and will be held online and in-person. The agenda will be attached soon. Join Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81972783155?pwd=OE5US2Z1Wk1KNkZ0SWNDOHQxWXZ5QT09 Meeting ID: 819 7278 3155 Passcode: 564717
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. April 2023 MCRCD Minutes May 2023 MCRCD Board Agenda
This meeting is open to the public. It will be held in person at the Board Chambers and streaming live on the Madera County Board website at https://maderacounty.primegov.com/public/portal?fromiframe=true Please review the agenda for more information on the items that will be presented by the Water and Natural Resources department. 5/16/23 BOS Agenda
On Friday, May 19, 2023, at 10 a.m., we will have a meeting to receive questions and comments for the SB552- Drought Plan Draft for Review. We would appreciate if you could join us at this meeting to provide comments or ask questions about the draft of the Madera County Drought Plan. Join Zoom Meeting […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. 052223 Special CC Meeting Agenda
This is a friendly reminder for the Madera RWMG meeting scheduled for this afternoon at 1:30 pm. Zoom meeting details are below. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87997445639?pwd=NXIxVlZwSnZZcjhXRFVHMmxkQjBoUT09 Webinar ID: 879 9744 5639 Passcode: 535884 Attached is the agenda for the meeting, the minutes for April’s meeting, the financial statement for May 2023, the letter received from Madera ID, and […]
Zoom Information/ Información de inicio de sesión de Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86857099891?pwd=aVpoYzNBNURMRFhQQVdzM2VqQmViQT09 Meeting ID/Identificación de la reunión: 868 5709 9891 Passcode/Código de accesso: 295897 Call in Numbers/Números de llamada +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. 052523 N-C Meeting Notice and Agenda
This meeting will be held both in person. Members of the public are welcome! Please view the details and agenda below for more information. SJRECWA FINANCE COMMITTEE MTG AGENDA 5-30-23 APPROVED FINANCE MINUTES 4-3-23
Member of the public who wish to attend are asked to join the meeting by conference call. Please view the details and agenda below for more information. SJRECWA June 2 2023 Agenda SJRECWA APPROVED MINUTES 4-7-23
This meeting is open to the public and will be held online and in person. Please review the details below for more information. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85044856690?pwd=aGRNMHM4R245Z3c2elR6RkpTMnhNZz09 Meeting ID: 850 4485 6690 Passcode: 748972 One tap mobile +16694449171,,85044856690#,,,,*748972# US +16699009128,,85044856690#,,,,*748972# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 669 444 9171 US +1 669 900 […]
This meeting will be held both in person and telephonically. Please view the details and agenda below for more information. Meeting Notice Jun 2023 Notice- new address Agenda Jun 2023 Minutes May 2023 Draft
This meeting is open to the public. Interested parties may attend via Zoom or in-person. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. 23 06 06 Special Board Meeting Agenda
A webinar will be held on Friday this week, June 9th, from 12 pm – 1 pm. The webinar will focus on capturing and managing large storms and wet winters in California. For more information about this webinar, please click here. For those interested in attending the webinar, please click here to register and have […]
Please be advised that this meeting has been cancelled and rescheduled to Monday, July 10, 2023 at 11:00 AM at the Lodge at Riverstone. For further information about this notice contact Julia Berry at julia@rootcreekwd.com. Please see the attached information for more details. RCWD May 8 2023GSACancellation June 12 2023 RCWD Packet
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in-person. Please see the attached agenda fore more information. 061223 CC-GSA Meeting Agenda 060523 Draft Delta-Mendota Subbasin MOA 060523 Draft Delta-Mendota Subbasin MOA-clean DMSubbasin_June_12_2023_GSA_workshop.ppt
This meeting is open to the public. It will be held in person at the Board Chambers and streaming live on the Madera County Board website at https://maderacounty.primegov.com/public/portal?fromiframe=true Please review the agenda for more information on the items that will be presented by the Water and Natural Resources department. 6/13/23 BOS Agenda
Please see the attached MID-Board of Equalization-GSA Board Packet for the meeting scheduled for June 13, 2023. Regular session begins at 2:00 p.m. 23 06 13 MID-BOE-GSA Board Packet Members of the public can attend in-person or via Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85678080920?pwd=elJvYnFmQ3g2MTFDUXMvK1pCVUUrZz09 Meeting ID: 856 7808 0920 Passcode: 080792 Dial by your location +1 […]
The Madera Ag Water Association (MAWA) and Madera County Farm Bureau will be holding a meeting on Wednesday, 6/14 to discuss land repurposing in the Madera County GSA and other SGMA issues. Please come to provide input and be part of the discussion. The meeting will be held in-person at the Madera County Farm Bureau […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held online. Please see the attached agenda for more information. 6/14/23 NDMC Subbasin Agenda
Please note MID will have a MID-Board of Equalization Special Meeting on June 16, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. Please review the agenda for more information. Members of the public are welcomed to participate in-person or via Zoom: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85015440046?pwd=OHNRTzBpd1RpRmV1bWt4SE0ycURxdz09 Meeting ID: 850 1544 0046 Passcode: 062471 One tap mobile +16694449171,,85015440046#,,,,*062471# US +16699009128,,85015440046#,,,,*062471# US […]
The Exchange Contractors will meet for a special closed session workshop with Del Puerto Water District's Board of Directors. This meeting will be held in-person at Espana's Southwest Bar & Grill, 1460 E. Pacheco Boulevard, Los Banos, California. Please review the agenda and details for more information. June 20 2023 Special Joint Workshop Agenda
Please be advised that this meeting has been cancelled. If you have any questions, please call (559) 673-3514 ext. 215. 23 06 20 Notice of Cancellation
The Madera/Chowchilla RCD will be hosting a Grower Experience with Recharge Workshop on June 21st from 9AM-11AM. Topics covered in this workshop include how to prepare for on-farm recharge, obstacles and challenges faced as well as the successes reached by growers who are implementing recharge. We will have growers talk about their experiences and have […]
Please be advised that this meeting has been postponed. June 2023 MCRCD Board Agenda May 2023 MCRCD Minutes
The series of workshops on Resource Management Strategies (RMS) for California Water Plan Update 2023 (Update 2023) continues on Thursday, June 22nd, from 1 pm – 3 pm. This virtual workshop will give Tribes, local agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the public an opportunity to review and provide comment on the content in the draft […]
This meeting will be held in-person. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. 062623 Special CC Meeting Agenda-final 062623 Meeting Materials
This meeting is open to the public and will be held online. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. MaderaRWMG_Agenda_June2023 MaderaRWMG_Minutes_May2023 Join ZOOM Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86127228874?pwd=TEQ1UmNzU1dQZTNpVWdpV2NUdVk5dz09 Or join by phone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 346 248 7799 or […]
Members of the public are welcome to attend by conference call. Please review the agenda for more information. SJRECWA June 27 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda
This meeting will be held in person. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. If there are any questions about accessibility of the Board meeting, please contact (626) 483-1345. June 2023 MCRCD Board Agenda May 2023 MCRCD Minutes
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person and online. To join via Zoom, cleck here: Launch Meeting - Zoom Meeting ID: 820 6740 1502 Passcode: 500223 One tap mobile +16694449171,,82067401502#,,,,*500223# US AGENDA • Status of Flood Diversions and Appropriative Water Right for 2023/24 • Recharge Reporting for 2023 • […]
This meeting will be held in-person. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. SJRECWA July 3 2023 Finance Committee Meeting Agenda SJRECWA APPROVED FINANCE MINUTES 5-1-23
Members of the public may participate by conference call. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. July 5 2023 Special Board Meeting Agenda MEMO - POSTPONE JULY 7 2023 MTG
This meeting will be held on Zoom and in person. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85111775715?pwd=byt2UXdTMUNUSFpZbHEyOXRVcnBMZz09 Call-in Number: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 851 1177 5715 Passcode: 671488 070523 N Meeting Notice and Agenda-Final
This meeting will be held in person. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. 070723 C and CGSA Meeting Notice and Agenda 070723 Meeting Materials
Please find attached agendas for the regularly scheduled meetings of the Root Creek Water District Board of Directors and Groundwater Sustainability Agency on July 10, 2023 commencing at 11:00 am. 1. July 10 2023 RCWD Agenda 1. July 10 2023 RCWDGSA Agenda
This is an in-person meeting. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. RCWD 07.10.2023 Board Packet RCWDGSA 07.10.2023 Packet
This meeting is open to the public. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. 071023 CC Meeting Agenda-final 071023 Meeting Materials
This meeting is open to the public. It will be held in person at the Board Chambers and streaming live on the Madera County Board website. Please review the agenda for more information on the items that will be presented by the Water and Natural Resources department. BOS Agenda 7/11/23
All members of the public are asked to attend the meeting by conference call. Please review the agenda for more details. SJRECWA July 12 2023 Agenda SJRECWA APPROVED MINUTES 5-5-23
Attached is the agenda for the Madera/Chowchilla RCD July Board Meeting as well as the minutes from the Board Meeting held in June. This meeting will be held in-person at the FSA conference room located at 425 N Gateway Dr, Ste. K, Madera, CA on Wednesday, July 12th from 5PM-7PM. Trina Walley with the East […]
This meeting is open to the public. It will be held in person at the Board Chambers and streaming live on the Madera County Board website. Please review the agenda for more information on the items that will be presented by the Water and Natural Resources department. BOS AGENDA 7/18/23
Tree & Vine Harvest Safety Training will contain general safety training including: good agricultural practices, night work, electrical lines, slips, trips, lifting, back, tractor, hitching/towing implement/PTO safety, and heat illness with two breakout sessions (1 tree/1 vine), which will then swap for those who need both tree and vine safety. Register below to attend this […]
In support of Action 26.3 in California’s Water Resilience Portfolio, the California Water Commission is developing proposed strategies to protect communities and wildlife in the event of drought. The Commission is seeking your input at three virtual public workshops. WORKSHOP DATES • Wednesday, July 19 Noon to 3 p.m. Register here • Tuesday, July 25 […]
Please be advised that this meeting has been cancelled. MaderaRWMG_Agenda_July2023 MaderaRWMG_Minutes_June2023
This meeting will be held in-person. Please review the attached agenda for more information. 072423 CC Meeting Agenda-final 072423 Meeting Materials
This meeting will be held both in-person and telephonically. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. Meeting Notice Jul 2023
The US EPA is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, July 25th, from 11 am – 12 pm titled, “Wildfire Impacts on Drinking Water”. Following the webinar, an optional Q&A session will be held from 12 pm – 3:30 pm. Topics covered include: Wildfire Implications for Drinking Water Systems Wildfires can Increase Drinking Water Contamination: Nitrate, […]
The Aliso Water District & Aliso Water District Groundwater Sustainability Agency will be holding a Regular and GSA meeting on Tuesday July 25th at 1:30pm. The meeting will be in person at 13991 Avenue 7, Madera County, CA. The meeting notice and agenda are attached for your convenience and may also be obtained by visiting […]
In support of Action 26.3 in California’s Water Resilience Portfolio, the California Water Commission is developing proposed strategies to protect communities and wildlife in the event of drought. The Commission is seeking your input at three virtual public workshops. WORKSHOP DATES • Tuesday, July 25 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Register here • Thursday, July 27 […]
The next Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (ILRP) Stakeholder Meeting will be held on Wednesday next week, July 26th, with both an in-person option and online option via Zoom for those interested in attending. The meeting will be held from 10 am – 1 pm. The meeting will focus on Groundwater Protection Targets and Groundwater Quality […]
In support of Action 26.3 in California’s Water Resilience Portfolio, the California Water Commission is developing proposed strategies to protect communities and wildlife in the event of drought. The Commission is seeking your input at three virtual public workshops. WORKSHOP DATE • Thursday, July 27 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Register here All workshops will be […]
This meeting will be held in person. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. July 31 2023 Finance Committee Meeting Agenda APPROVED FINANCE MINUTES 5-30-23
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person and online. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. 080223 N Meeting Notice and Agenda-Final 080223 Meeting Materials
This meeting will be held in person. All members of the public are asked to attend the meeting by conference call. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. August 4 2023 SJRECWA Agenda APPROVED SJRECWA MINUTES 6-2-23
This meeting will be held in person and by conference call. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. August 7 2023 SJRECWA Special Meeting Agenda
This meeting is open to the public. It will be held in person at the Board Chambers and streaming live on the Madera County Board website. Please review the agenda for more information on the items that will be presented by the Water and Natural Resources department. BOS Agenda 8/8/23
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. 080823 CC Special Meeting Agenda-final
Please be advised that this meeting has been cancelled. August 2023 MCRCD Board Agenda July 2023 MCRCD Minutes
This meeting will occur with both in a physical meeting location and an option for the public to participate from a remote location. For more information on this meeting and how to join, please visit the California Water Boards Website. TO WATCH AND LISTEN TO THE LIVECAST (NOT PARTICIPATING): If you do not need to […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. CFD 2023-1 RCWD8.14.2023 Packet August 14 GSA Packet
This meeting is open to the public and will be held online. Please refer to the agenda for more details. 081423 CC Meeting Agenda-final 081423 CC Meeting Materials
Please see the attached MID-GSA Board Packet for the regular meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 15, 2023. Closed session begins at 1:00 p.m. and regular session begins at 2:00 p.m. Members of the public may participate in-person or via Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86059194180?pwd=bUtXOEM3Tmt1U25Fdk9aMFo3YjJVZz09 Meeting ID: 860 5919 4180 Passcode: 092257 Dial by your location […]
This meeting is open to the public. It will be held in person at the Board Chambers and streaming live on the Madera County Board website. Please review the agenda for more information on the items that will be presented by the Water and Natural Resources department. BOS 8/15/23
This Tuesday, August 15th, at 12 pm, the Groundwater Exchange is hosting a webinar to present information on a review of GSPs. This webinar will provide an overview of analysis done on the plans and will include information about how the plans may not be sufficient to protect groundwater for many users. There will be […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held on Zoom. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86981966894?pwd=Nmp5NFhad2dab1FrKzUrTWlsWktNdz09 Meeting ID: 869 8196 6894 Passcode: 736327 Or Call: 669-900-9128 Agenda. Drought Workgroup. 08.18.23
The Aliso Water District & Aliso Water District Groundwater Sustainability Agency will be holding a Special and GSA meeting on Friday August 18th at 2:00pm. The Meeting will be in person at 13991 Avenue 7, Madera County, CA. The meeting notice and agenda are attached for your convenience and may also be obtained by visiting […]
This meeting will ne held in person. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. 082423 CMC Agenda-Final 082423 Meeting Materials
This meeting will be held in person. Attached for your information is a copy of the San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors GSA’s Finance Committee meeting Agenda, along with a copy of the approved February 27, 2023 Committee meeting minutes. SJREC GSA FINANCE AGENDA 8-25-23 SJREC GSA FINANCE APPROVED MINUTES 2-27-23
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person. Attached for your information is a copy of the San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Water Authority’s Finance Committee August 25, 2023 meeting Agenda, along with a copy of the approved July 3, 2023 Committee meeting minutes. SJRECWA FINANCE AGENDA 8-25-23 SJRECWA FINANCE […]
Join Zoom Meeting https://fresnostate.zoom.us/j/89088575172 Meeting ID: 890 8857 5172 One tap mobile +16694449171,,89088575172# US +16699006833,,89088575172# US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 890 8857 5172 Find your local number: https://fresnostate.zoom.us/u/kc2T0Nfls0 Join by SIP 89088575172@zoomcrc.com Join by H.323 (US West) (US East) Meeting ID: 890 8857 5172 Meeting Agenda 08-25-23 Water Work Group Weather Briefing Planning […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held online. Please review the details below for more information. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84336420475?pwd=SVd6U0JEMExGQ0o5dVdZc0ZQTml5UT09 Webinar ID: 843 3642 0475 Passcode: 348092 Attached you will find the agenda, the minutes for June’s meeting, the financial statements for July 2023 and August 2023, and the member packet. The member packet […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held in person. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. 082823 CC Meeting Agenda-final 082823 Meeting Materials
This meeting will be held in person and online. Please review the agenda for more details. 2023-08-29 Driller Meeting Agenda-1
The WaterNow Alliance will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday this week, August 30th. The webinar will focus on dealing with problems brought on by sewer overflows and urban stormwater. The agenda includes an overview of the EPA’s Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grant Program which provides funding for infrastructure needed to manage stormwater […]
DWR’s California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) Program is hosting a webinar. Since 2009, DWR’s CASGEM Program has tracked seasonal and long-term groundwater elevation trends statewide. Recently, DRW has been working on important updates to the CASGEM Online System, including an enhanced user interface, easier access for public users, and a new data import process. […]
This meeting will be held in person and it is open to the public. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. SJREC GSA AGENDA 9-1-23 SJREC GSA APPROVED MINUTES 3-3-23
This meeting will be held in person and it is open to the public. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. SJRECWA AGENDA - 9-1-23 SJRECWA APPROVED MINUTES 7-12-23
This meeting will be held in person. Members of the public can also join on Zoom! Please review the agenda and details below for more information. 090623 N Meeting Notice and Agenda-Final
Please find attached a revised agenda for the regular meeting of the Root Creek Water District board of directors on Monday, September 11, 2023. Item 7d. has been added to the agenda. 1. September 11 2023 RCWD Agenda
Please find attached packets for the regularly scheduled meetings of the Root Creek Water District and the Groundwater Sustainability Agency on Monday, September 11, 2023 at the Lodge at Riverstone, commencing at 11:00 a.m. RCWD September 11 2023 Packet RCWDGSA September 11 2023 Packet
Members of the public may participate in-person or via Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82738609438?pwd=b2FrMXZJYllnTENRVVI3ZHRCbS9sdz09 Meeting ID: 827 3860 9438 Passcode: 948176 Dial by your location +1 669 444 9171 US +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 205 0468 US 23 09 11 Special Board Meeting Agenda
This meeting is open to the public. It will be held in person at the Board Chambers and streaming live on the Madera County Board website. Please review the agenda for more information on the items that will be presented by the Water and Natural Resources department. BOS Agenda 9/12/23
The California Water Plan describes and updates a broad set of resource management strategies (RMSs) that help local agencies and governments manage their water and related resources. Every RMS can be a technique, program, or policy that can be used to meet water-related management needs of a region and the state as a whole. During […]
Attached is the agenda for the Madera/Chowchilla RCD September Board Meeting as well as the minutes from the Board Meeting held in July. This meeting will be held in-person at the FSA conference room located at 425 N Gateway Dr, Ste. K, Madera, CA on Wednesday, September 13th from 5PM-7PM. Trina Walley with the East […]
This meeting is open to the public. Members of the public may participate in-person or via Zoom. 23 09 18 Special Board Meeting Agenda Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86588957539?pwd=WGpmUjRYM3c5WjVta1FHdExwRExrUT09 Meeting ID: 865 8895 7539 Passcode: 369805 Dial by your location +1 669 444 9171 US +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 205 0468 […]
The Madera Irrigation District Regular Board Meeting & MID Groundwater Sustainability Agency (“GSA”) Meeting scheduled for September 19, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. has been cancelled. If you have any questions, please call (559) 673-3514 ext. 215. 23 09 19 Notice of Cancellation
This meeting is open to the public. Members of the public may participate in-person or via Zoom. Please review the agenda for more information. 23 09 20 Special Board Meeting Packet Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81960320600?pwd=TTdHSFdEdWNqQnZhUDVpTHg0UmJrUT09 Meeting ID: 819 6032 0600 Passcode: 819692 Dial by your location +1 669 444 9171 US +1 669 900 9128 […]
The California Water Plan describes and updates a broad set of resource management strategies (RMSs) that help local agencies and governments manage their water and related resources. Every RMS can be a technique, program, or policy that can be used to meet water-related management needs of a region and the state as a whole. During […]
This meeting is open to the public and will be held on Zoom. Please review the agenda and details below for more information. MaderaRWMG_Agenda_September2023 MaderaRWMG_Minutes_August2023 Below you will find the Zoom Meeting Information: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84518965977?pwd=SkU4dWxTUC9rOFBDYk44b045VWd4QT09 Description: RWMG Meeting September 25, 2023, 1:30 PM Or join by phone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based […]