Madera County is comprised of three subbasins, designated by the CA Department of Water Resources as critically overdrafted, and “high priority”:
(1) the Chowchilla Subbasin;
(2) the Madera Subbasin; and
(3) a portion of the Delta-Mendota Subbasin.
Each of these subbasins submitted a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) or GSPs in January 2020, which showed a plan to achieve “sustainability” by the year 2040.
The Chowchilla Subbasin is comprised of the following four groundwater sustainability agencies: Chowchilla Water District, Madera County, Triangle T Water District, and Merced County.
The Madera Subbasin is comprised of seven groundwater sustainability agencies: Madera County, City of Madera, Madera Irrigation District, Root Creek Water District, Madera Water District, New Stone Water District, and Gravelly Ford Water District.
Madera County encompasses a portion of the Delta-Mendota Subbasin, including the following groundwater sustainability agencies: Aliso Water District, Madera County, and the San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors. All GSPs can be found on this website for review.
SGMA Educational Videos
- Rural Communities and the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
- SGMA and Groundwater Users Working Together
- Participate in Managing your Basin (Español)
SGMA Facts
- General Facts (English & Español) (Self Help Enterprises)
- State & Regional Water Boards Basics (State Water Board)
- Stakeholder Inclusion (State Water Board)
- Purpose of Use for Underground Storage (State Water Board)
- Probationary Designation & Groundwater Regulations by the State Water Board (State Water Board)
- Funding Opportunities for GSAs (State Water Board)
- Resources for GSAs to Consider When Complying with SGMA (State Water Board)
- Study of Economic Feasibility of the Great Central Valley (1940) Pages 1-21, Pages 22-36 and Pages 37 to 62